Hi , I'm Dhananjay Gavali

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About Me

"Undergrad Engineering student, Currently Studying in 3rd year of B.Tech in Information Technology. Will be graduating in June 2024. I like to work on developing the mobile apps and websites. Exploring and experimenting with technlogy and tools it's my passion"


Flutter + Firebase
Mongo DB
C++ & OOP

Personal Projects

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Work Experience

NSCC -Mobile App Development Lead ( June 23 - Present )

Mobile App Developer
      NSCC - Newton School Coding club, PCCOE. Here we work on mobile app and website for our club. We organize technical and coding events, hackathons every month. Being part of NSCC club I am mainly leading the mobile app development team where we are using Flutter. Apart from this we contribute to new events ideas, organization, marketing, etc.
Website: NSCC Club website
Skills: Flutter Developer, Git & Github, REST API, Team building, Event Management

PCCOE IEEE ITSA - Webmasters Team Member ( Aug 22 - Present )

      It's been a great journey since I have joined a webmasters team at ITSA PCCOE IEEE Student Branch. Here we not only build websites but, we collaborate with others to manage events, we plan and execute various events in the college/ department. We build the future team of Webmasters as well. From individually taking the responsibilities to delivering the wonderful events, websites, sessions with team I am learning a lot here.
Website: PCCOE IEEE ITSA Official Website
Skills: Team building, Event Management, Web developer (MERN Stack) , HTML, CSS, Flutter, Git & Github

Uipro Corp. Pvt ltd ( Jun 22 - Aug 22 )

Flutter Developer Intern
      Working solely on project. Majorly worked on buidling the front-end of mobile apps. Converted the figma design into the application. Built 2 apps. It was around 60 to 65 screens total. Analyzed and optimised the designs. Focused on re-usibility of the components thus increased the development speed and reduce the code. Also codebase project more managable.
Skills: Flutter, Dart, UI design, Firebase authentication, Git & Github

S Cube Technologies, Pune ( Oct 21 - Jan 22 )

Flutter Developer Intern
     During this internship, I worked on majorly developing the mobile app. It included authentication, API calls, State management, Database Operations (CRUD), I/O operation (Printing the reports using bluetooth thermal printer), and much more. I Learned how to build and manage the real world project. Used the OOP concepts to optimise and reduce the code size. incrased the re-usibility of the components. Followed MVP architecture.
Skills: Flutter, Dart, UI design, API handling, Releasing and deploying project, debugging, android studio

Problem Solving

Educational Background

  • 2021 - 2024 (Present) Pune, India

    Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering

    Grade : 8.6

  • 2018 - 2021 Pune, India

    Pimpri Chinchwad Polytechnic

    Percentage : 96.6 %

  • 2018 Ahmednagar, India

    New English School, Supa

    Percentage : 91.4 %